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Capstone Simulation Maximization
Strategy Suggestions
It is difficult to write a briefing, it has to be shown but these suggestions will definitely help.
Designate one person as note taker.
The simulation does not say to have a person in TQM but you do need one..
The CEO, the next day after meeting, compares screen shots, if they are the same as you agreed – the CEO submits round. The first few rounds actually dictate the end. By round five – the game is over. Those that set themselves up properly in the first four rounds pass. The remainder have to repeat the simulation. We found that the computer gets confused. Wait a day and compare screen shots.
My team,
I had been on three teams. My first team – the other students dropped the course. I learned a little on my own. The instructor, put me on a new team. I did not have the correct team codes and my team had done the practice round before I got codes so I was put on a third team. I had the simulation pretty well down !!
My team misunderstood me, I had a water leak / flood at my house and a convention training to attend. I noted that I would not be available MUCH for a few days. They did the first few rounds and not as I would have. My team did however, took a different strategy and I made it work. It worked fair because of great profits on high end, performance sensors.
Do as I say, not as we did.
Round 1
Everybody starts out the same.
Your stock price is high so maximize it -- BORROW!! You can write off the interest !!
On the Low end and traditional sensors, maximize every round the automation improvement.
Try and get to ten ASAP. Increase High end ADAM automation also in Round 2.
There are five sensors. It is difficult to keep all five sensors. Take Strategy 12.6, Low, Traditional and High end. Sell only three sensors.
Produce 100 Adam, Aft and Agape
Do one shift of nearly maximum production about 60% in low and traditional sales.
SELL OFF all but 100 capacity of AFT and AGAPE. This gets you cash for the improvements of the three main sensors.
Employees – 100 % always – every round. It pays off. Keeping them busy but not over worked.
Do not over estimate sales. The worst thing is an emergency loan. This is the cause, over estimating. Add the remaining stock to your projections plus this round production.
*** Project sales of all of the remaining Performance sensors.***
Price them low so that they sell. Just above the minimum, so you do not incur a “ Stock Out”
Spend on market awareness on only your three main brands. Spend in round 1, $500 (( 000 )).
In further rounds slowly increase it. Over $1,000 seems to be a waste – “ Diminishing returns”
In the low end and traditional sensors, price them below the maximum, about mid range.
You cannot do anything this round.
R & D
Your goal is to move the sensors to the bottom right corner. Increase the speed and reduce the size, so that within round THREE they are ALL perfectly matched to consumer demand. You should not have to invest much money for several rounds making plant improvements because, as the consumers want the faster sensors, allow the already better sensors to fall down in category. Adam is high end, let it become the traditional sensor leader without spending any money.
Round 2
Maximum numbers always ! It works ! I believe the number from memory was 80. Influence Production to keep 100% shift complement. The computer calculates the number of employees. If you save money by hiring less workers, you have low scores from your employees.
How did you do ?
Hopefully no stock outs and no emergency loan. Hopefully only 50 sensors remaining in each category. Price Traditional sensor at high end of pay for LOW end senor. Watch every round. Price Adam at high end of Traditional sensor. Go to $1,000 (( 000 ))) on marketing and product awareness. Just stay there for entire game. Your Low end sensor – price it mid level. You want market share but no stock outs.
**** NOTE ***** It says on the simulation that computer projections are not correct and they are not. The programming is flawed but it is fun and educational. Project about half a shift of Adam selling.
The capstone courier gives you the increase in demand percentage. If the top team sells 2,000 and there are six teams selling say 9,000 – if the demand increase is 10% that is 900 more needed. Divided by 6 or 150 for each team. You should be a top team. Figure selling 250 more.
Sell off remaining Agape and AFT machinery. Produce Two shifts of Low end and Traditional. Actually- about 1.5 shifts plus remaining. Maximize to 10 automation of Adam, Acre and Traditional. Adam produce about half a shift. 100% on employees ! It always pays off.
R & D
Slight improvement of Adam. It will show up in round four.
BORROW and Payoff one bond due.
Round 3
How did you do ?
Borrow and pay a ? 25 cent dividend and any loans due.
R & D
Slight high end improvement. Adam
Getting Automation to 10 on all three sensors by now ??!! Two shifts of Low end. 1.5 shifts of traditional and Adam if your automation has your price down - produce a full shift. 100 % employees.
No stock outs ??!! No emergency loan ??!! About 50 sensors remaining ??!!
Your R & D will kick in by now. Your automation has reduced production costs.
Acre price mid range of market .Traditional priced at high end of low end market and Adam at high end of traditional market.
There is “ diminishing” returns on training. Pay them and train the employees well but not too well because it is a waste of money. Play with the numbers and watch your score card change or not change. That will be the number.
Round 4
Start investing. Invest $ 600 ((000))) in every category. Next round, $700, then $800, then $900
By round 8 – invest $500. It is cumulative. It does not pay to invest in last round but the returns are excellent for investing earlier.
You should be at 10 on automation. 100 % on employees. Two shifts of Low end and Mid range and one shift of high end.
R & D
Slight improvement in Low end so that it does not fall completely out of range. Kicks in round 6. Your mid range sensor should now be near perfect for low end. High end should be placing perfect for mid range.
Same as last round. Taking care of employees is very important. Make certain to not over spend – same as last round.
Same as last round. Leverage is very difficult. It is nearly impossible to calculate. Depending on actual results of sales, play with options, to maximize leverage. Borrow, buy back stock, pay dividends ??
Same as last round.
Contact each other and all vote on ethics. There are two decisions to decide.
Rounds 5 , 6 and 7 is maintaining market share. Not over producing and not over estimating sales. As time has passed, your lack of investing in R & D has saved you money. Your products are not the best but you can produce them cheaper and control the market.
Task 1
To produce the greatest value in sensors, being sensitive to the needs of our customers. Cognizant to the reality, that every decision we make- impacts generations to follow, not just our desires today.
· Communication will be key to our success. We exchanged modes outside of WGU email. We have each other’s telephone and text message numbers..
· Tasks for the simulation are required two days prior to scheduled due dates.. This will ensure adequate time for all members to weigh in on any corrections, alterations or offer assistance to any members or project prior to submission.
· Each team member should check-in and/or respond no later than 24 hours to any email or message made by another team member to ensure message receive
It is ultimately our goal to be proud of the contributions from each team. Upon completion of
the team project. With the extensive readings, videos and research, each team member will
become more knowledgeable in their particular area but our team meetings will educate each
other on the simple fact that each small decision has a ripple effect on the entire company and
team project
Our team will apply the WGU and Capsim policies, rules and regulations as the pertain and are
applicable to the team project. Beginning with the individual team members tasks culminating
with the final team project.
Our Individual Summary of Impressions
B) 1. My strengths in the workplace have been demonstrated during my high school years,
my participation in athletics, the military and prior work experience. It was not until this
MBA program that I knew the term for my strengths. The term for my primary strength is that of
a delegator. I have an innate ability to recognize the best person for the task. In our recent team
project with the Capsim simulation, although I had much experience with the simulation, I
recommended one person to be our CEO, he proved to be excellent at those particular duties. He
was instrumental in negotiating and convincing the Capsim representative that we were being
penalized due to a computer over load – a glitch that caused us to submit erroneous numbers.
During this same simulation, I suggested another person to be responsible for research and
Development. During the simulation, it was his expertise that made us profitable in the high end
specialized products. My intelligence includes awareness of my limitations and slowing my pride
to step aside for the greater good of the team. To use my gifts and talents to uplift less assertive
team members to realize that their talents are valuable and needed. With this maturity, I believe
my greatest contribution was empowering my team to work as a team and not four individuals.
B2) My primary weakness was also brought to light during the Capstone project. I seem to
always want to assist others at the detriment of my own work. With humility I can state, that it
was I that walked through, worded and prepared my teams submissions. They have all passed the
tasks. I am just beginning. It seemed that every time I sat down to write, one of my team
members would contact me with for assistance on what was returned to them for more
clarification. I would write, talk and analyze their problem. When they were finished, I was left
with some mixed up notes and they had a new version to submit.
B3) My official role on the team was marketing and Human Resources. I had been in
two previous groups that dissolved or I had the wrong log in codes. I joined our team with ample
practical experience. Unofficially, I did the simulation training and led the decision making prior
to submission. Our only error was the Capsim computer received information that we did not
submit. This made it impossible to pass. We had to redo the simulation.
B4) The strengths of my team were best demonstrated in their quest for knowledge. Although I
had been the leader, through some miscommunication, they started the final game without me.
They did two rounds and then contacted me. My team had the #2 low end sensor, and were
dominating the high end specialty markets. My team, it really was three of us, one person
never attended a meeting. He got his submissions from another team member, a team member
who was not from America who had difficulty understanding our jargon and the instructions. I
was blessed to have those two members on my team.
B5) The primary weakness on my team was their need to complete the entire course
by month end. They started the final simulation without my assistance which caused
them to be in a position of failure. It was never their intent to learn anything, analyze
decisions or take the simulation serious. They just wanted to be done before the term
ended. I was the only person with ample time.
They are fortunate that they had good training from me, were intelligent and
motivated. They essentially were able to grasp the concepts, play the game and submit
their papers for their diploma just in time.
B6) My interaction with my team was varied. We incorporated all avenues that we
knew available to us. We utilized Cisco’s WEBEX, Join.me, Freeconferencecall.com. text,
email and telephone. We were in constant contact, the entire way through.
Numerous times we would have several electronic methods active at one time. This is
what I believe caused the computer glitch. Too many people participating in the same
game at the same time.
B7) The computer glitch was one excellent example of how we overcame an obstacle.
WE decided that it was the computer over load that caused the glitch. We decided,
that we can all work on the project. The CEO, would save screen shots, let the
computer settle down and then submit the next day if the numbers submitted matched
our agreed upon screen shots.
One obstacle was the team member that never attended meetings or contributed in his
area – finance. That was always our weakness due to our not researching the effects
of selling stock, taking out loans etc. We simply added that duty to each other and
made the decisions collectively.
B8) My team work advice to new students, would be to take excellent notes and
screen shots. Read the submission requirements and know that is expected at the
end – prior to beginning. I have a greater understanding of the importance of the
minutes that I never had before. We relied on the Capstone Courier for what we did.
That was in error, because the Capstone courier only reports what you submitted, not
what you intended to submit.
B9) The relevance of team work. This simulation, this course solidified my belief in
team work. We all have unique skills, talents and aptitudes. Not everybody can be the
leader in all areas of a corporation. Not everybody can be an accounting expert and a
research and development engineer.
My personal development is in my new appreciation of note taking. There has to be a
designated individual who has one duty, to record all of our points of view, our
decisions for reference as to why our results may have not occurred as expected.
In the case of our team member who never attended meetings, if we had a note taker,
who simply noted that person was absent – we could justify voting to submit to the
instructor that we recommend that he do the simulation again. Ironically, he was the
note taker for our group.
In summary, it is NOW my belief that the note taker is a mandatory part of meetings.
Capstone Task 2 written report
Including Assignment Designation Form
Financial Statistical Analysis
ROS –Return of Sales
Return of sales is mostly used to calculate the operational efficiency of a company. It is referred to as the net profit margin. ROS is an insight into the amount of profit made on sales for each dollar returned on sales- ROS
ROS = Net Income ( EBIT Before Interest and Tax )
If the ROS is increasing, the company is financially stable. If these numbers are decreasing, this is an indication of instability.
Definition of Leverage
1. “ The use of various financial instruments or borrowed capital, such as margin to increase
the potential return of an investment.
1. The amount of debt used to finance a firm’s assets. A firm with significantly more debt
than equity is considered to be highly leveraged, ( Investopedia,2013)”.
The ratio of the net rate of return on shareholder’s equity and net rate of return on total
capitalization. A firm needs funds to manage and conduct it’s day to day activities. The firm
needs to first set up an enterprise and plan for expansion and diversification.
Funds for these activities are generally from two sources, owners and outsiders. Owner’s are.
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